Yahoo - Search Directory

Specific "Quick Search Tips" for the Yahoo Search Directory.

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Quick Search Tips:
General The Yahoo! directory is created by a staff of editors who visit and evaluate web sites, and then organize them into subject-based categories and sub-categories.
When specific search terms don't match any of the sites or categories contained within Yahoo!, the search is automatically forwarded to Google. The resulting web pages are then presented in the familiar Yahoo! search results framework, allowing you to toggle forward to other searches, such as news stories and net events, or to begin a new search.
Note: The "@" sign that appears at the end of a particular category name signifies that the category is listed in multiple places within the Yahoo! directory. If you click on any category that is linked from elsewhere (i.e., it includes an @ sign), you will be taken to its primary location within the directory.
Case Sensitive No.
Phrase searching Enclose the phrase in quotation marks " ", e.g. "like this phrase".
To require Use + immediately before a word, e.g. hyperactivity +children.
To exclude Use - immediately before a word, e.g. cats -dogs.
Boolean logic No.
Stemming No.
Wildcards >Use the asterisk * to replace multiple characters at the end of the term.
Sub-searching In results, select search within category or all of Yahoo.
Field searching Attaching one of the following operators to the front of a search word will restrict the search to certain document sections.
t:  will restrict searches to document titles only, e.g.: t:joe boxer
u:  will restrict searches to document URLs only, e.g.: u:intel
Note: You may combine any of the query syntax as long as the syntax is combined in the proper order. The proper order for using the syntax is: +, -, t:, u:, *.     e.g.: +t:football -American