Metacrawler - Meta-Search Engine Tips & Information

Specific "Quick Search Tips" for Metacrawler.

Search: all (of the words)   any (of the words)   the exact phrase    
Search in/for: The Web Directory  Auctions  Newsgroups  Files  Images  Audio/MP3  Multimedia 
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Quick Search Tips:
General MetaCrawler is one of the oldest meta-search services, it searches DirectHit, Excite, FindWhat, Google, GoTo, Internet Keywords, Kanoodle, LookSmart, MetaCatalog, Sprinks (by About) and WebCrawler.  MetaCrawler search results across the Internet and organizes them in a uniform format, eliminating duplicates and ranking the results by relevance. 
The meta-search capabilities include auctions, audio/MP3, Images, Newsgroups, Directories, etc...
It's a popular meta-search engine.
Case Sensitive No.
Phrase searching Click option "the exact phrase" or enclose the phrase in quotation marks " ", e.g. "like this phrase" .
To require Use + immediately before a word, e.g. hyperactivity +children .
To exclude Use - immediately before a word, e.g. cats -dogs .
Boolean logic AND: between words, e.g. hyperactivity AND children .
OR:  between words,  e.g. cats OR dogs .  Note: MetaCrawler will search only the engines that support the "or" feature.
Wildcards No.
Sub-searching No.
Field searching No.
"Search" selection all of the words: Searches for all the words in any order. Best for most searches.  Also list pages with some of your words (further down).
any of the words: Searches for pages that have one or more of the words present. Note that this tends to produce a great deal of information. Unless your words are fairly precise, most of it may not be what you need.
the exact phrase: Searches for the words occurring together, e.g. "Four score and seven years ago" or "Bill Clinton." MetaCrawler will often find pages that are close, but not exact, and will report those as well.
"Search in/for" selection The Web: search for web pages.
Directory: search various directories.
Auctions: search over 200 different auction sites.
Newsgroups: search Internet discussion forums.
Files: locate music, videos, images, documents or other files.
Images: find images of any kind using resources from search partner
Audio/MP3: find mp3, wav and real files.
Multimedia: access to all multimedia content from and VastVideo.