The Best Discount Magazine Subscriptions / Cheap mags
Selected online shops for discount magazine subscriptions.
Magazine Superstores - World's largest digital newsstand!
Paperless digital magazines and digital newspapers are ecologically sound and
much cheaper than the classic paper versions. Enjoy reading thousands of magazines & newspapers anytime and anywhere.
- Magzter is the world's largest digital newsstand with 5,000+ of magazines and newspapers in its catalog.
- With magazines and newspapers across 40+ categories and 60+ languages, there is something exciting for everyone.
- Magzter can be accessed on mobile devices (iPad, iPhone and Android smartphones) and the web or download to read offline.
You have many options: Free Trial, buy or subscribe to individual magazines/newspapers, get unlimited access to all 5,000+ magazines, newspapers and stories with a GOLD subscription (1 year, 2 year and 3 year plans - No commitments, cancel anytime).
Magazine gift cards: Yes | Delivery: Worldwide
- is America’s Magazine Superstore. With more than 1300 magazines ranging from popular to hard-to-find titles, is the premier online seller of magazines and periodicals. Plus, you get the guaranteed low publisher-authorized online price on every magazine—savings up to 85% off the newsstand price!
Magazine gift cards: No | Delivery: USA
MagMall is one of the U.S. largest family friendly discount magazine subscription savings service for individuals, students, educators,
schools, libraries, charities and companies.
Magazine gift cards: Yes | Delivery: Worldwide
Selected discount magazine subscriptions
A selection of some popular discount magazine subscriptions.
For other discount magazine subscriptions click one of the above Magazine Superstores.
Business magazines
Computer magazines
Music magazines
News magazines
Science & Technology magazines
Sports magazines
Save on your favorite Sports Magazines at BlueDolphin
Save on your favorite Health & Fitness magazines at BlueDolphin
Men's magazines
Women's magazines